Monday, February 10, 2014

Behind Enemy Lines

Well it is currently 2:51am and I most definitely have class tomorrow but I cannot, for the life of me, fall asleep. So, I will write. 

You might remember my promise before about how this blog or public journal, I sometimes call it, would not become an update source for my mishappenings in everyday life. Well I plan to keep my word but I must share a quick story. I was telling a friend about another one of those Karsyn moments ("Karsyn" can be substituted for not-so-bright, "smooth," or "of course you would,"  here in the phrase "Karsyn moment".)  I will spare you the details in order to save myself from sounding dramatic but the climax of the story involved me running across campus to a building, which is usually a 15-20 minute walk, in 30 degree weather, with my backpack obnoxiously slamming me from behind with very stride. Not only was I "that person," I was "that person manically running with a hysterical yet trying to seem confident smile on, to a TEST."  Yes, I was late for a test. No need to hear what led up to it and what proceeded, just know I lived through it. 
Anyways, my friend went on to tell me that I should blog about it.  At first I took a defensive stance and immediately questioned if I was being made fun of and to my welcome misinterpretation he wasn't poking fun at me. I jokingly informed him that I let/make these events occur so I can turn them into a good story. For clarification, that is not true in any fashion. But today, well rather this morning, I won't be writing about how I learned a valuable life lesson through a mishap, other than its is smart to leave extra early for class on test days.  Duh, Karsyn, I know. 

     Changing directions, yesterday I was cleaning out a drawer and organizing my too many journals when I picked up a book I had been meaning to start, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, a satirical Christian apologetic. I have read to chapter 6 and whoa, my mind has already been blown. For those who have not heard about this book, it is a compilation of letters from a Senior demon and his young apprentice guiding him on how to secure the damnation of his "patient."  Yeah, it's pretty intense stuff, people. The book lets you in on the devil's strategy on how he tries to get to us and lead us away from Christ and the life we are called to lead. 
     Some things that have already begun to stand out to me are the following. First, the enemy wants us to think badly of others.  He purposefully points out their flaws, limitations, and struggles to us so that we judge and hold ourself above them.  This is especially true with other Christians in the church, he wants us to find fault in our fellow believers so that we divide. Second is that he wants to make us selfish. He wants our desires and fantasies to be all we think about.  For example, we are whispered lies to about the tone in someone else's voice but we are deaf to hear the tone in our own. Mom, if you're reading this, I'm sorry because I fell and admittedly, still fall into that trap, perhaps too many times... He wants us to reflect all malice and annoyance onto others. The third was about prayer. He tries to make us avoid prayer if at all possible and when that doesn't work, he's got a few more tricks up his sleeve. He either keeps us praying a very vague prayer or he shifts our view of the one we are praying to. When we pray he makes us focus on the God our human minds have created instead of the God the Bible says he is. In the book it gives a few examples such as a crucifix on the wall, an imaginary light in the corner of the room, or just a face in our minds. The devil wants to keep the true image of God out of our hearts, especially when we pray.   
     Though I am not even halfway through with this book I highly recommend it. Knowing the enemy is real and knowing he has tactics he uses against us makes this battle so much more real. For someone who really enjoys action, spy movies, and whose dream job used to be/is to be an undercover agent of some sort (I probably just gave away my future cover but oh well) this made warring against sin come alive. We must defend and guard our hearts, minds, souls, and those of others against Satan's attacks with the Holy Spirit inside of us and God's word in our hands. 
     This book puts you behind enemy lines in this real war we are waging with sin. It shows just how much the enemy is willing to do to destroy us but we already know the outcome of it. Christ is victorious, therefore so are we!

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 
1 Peter 5:8

God's blessings,

Karsyn Penelope

1 comment:

  1. I thought Chapter 15 was a great way of looking at past, present and future. How regrets from the past and fear of the future can steal the gifts available in the present.

    You should try "Counterfeit Gods" by Timothy Keller, another book that really challenged the way I see the world.
